You’re a…

Maker No-Shaker


Maker No-Shaker ⏰

You LOVE bringing ideas to life, but too often you find yourself pouring all your time and energy to the “building” part of the process, with little time actually selling & marketing your business to bring in new leads.

But don’t stress!

Your greatest opportunity for growth is in shifting some of your focus to marketing and outbound sales strategies.

👇Here’s How👇

The #1 Thing To Avoid As a “Maker No-Shaker”

First off, it’s a great quality to be so invested in the creative and “building” process of starting a business. If that’s the part of starting a business that you love most, you should happily own it. WITH THAT SAID, it’s important to note that all your hard work spent on building is for nothing if no one ever gets to use your awesome creation. 

Three Strategies to 🚀 Boost Your Revenue as a Maker No-Shaker:

1. Decide on your ICP (ideal customer profile)

The riches are in the niches! The easiest way to see gaps in your marketing strategy is to see your business AS your ideal customer. Choose a product or service of yours and ask yourself how a customer would get from discovering your business exists to paying you money. If you can’t see a clear, step-by-step path laid out for them, that’s an opportunity to create one.

2. Build a repeatable sales & marketing process

Not sure where to get started? Start by downloading our FREE Daily Prospecting Checklist

3. Set intentional time blocks for selling

If you know that you spend the majority of your time building, not selling, then it will take some intention to carve out time in your schedule to spend on your sales efforts. Here’s an idea: book 2xday on your calendar. One time in the AM and One time in the PM where all distractions are gone and all you do is prospect/sell.

Before you go any further…want to get more weekly insights like this?

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