10 Tips to Closing Your Startup’s First 10 Customers

  1. Put ACTIVITY first: your default should be activity, and lack of activity should be concerning. Don’t overthink. Just act.

2. Expect to win, but be unfazed by rejection.

3. Craft your startup's "story" and easily be able to explain the problem your startup solves.

5. Understand that you win via speed and getting your product in front of potential customers.

6. Figure out your Ideal Customer (ICP) as quickly as possible. Don't even bother trying to sell to people who don’t have the problem.

7. Early goal: find 50-100 potential clients that have the distinct pain that your solution solves and get your solution in front of them.

8. Don’t skip tracking and measuring your progress in a CRM. What doesn’t get measured doesn’t get improved.

9. Sell the customer on ROI. Your solution should provide at least 5x more value than the price. Make it a no-brainer.

10. Pick a number (say 20). Promise yourself that NO MATTER WHAT, you will make said number (20) cold calls, cold emails and personalized LinkedIn messages EACH DAY.

JR Ricker

Founder: @inBloomJuicery and @Townee.app

Sales + Marketing consultant @openfaucet


How to Stop Overthinking Your First Cold Emails


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